
Launched on August 18th, the $SHARES token has a streamlined and transparent structure. Here are its key characteristics:

  • Supply Details: Both the circulating and maximum supply of the $SHARES token is capped at 210,000 tokens

  • Liquidity Provision: The entire supply, accounting for 100%, was added to a liquidity pool on Uniswap V3, paired with 10 Ethereum tokens

  • Liquidity Lock: To ensure trust and stability, the paired liquidity is locked for a duration of 365 days. Liquidity lock link can be found here

  • Ownership Renouncement: At the moment of deployment, ownership of the contract was renounced, indicating that no single entity has control over it

  • Contract Specifications: The $SHARES token operates on a standard ERC-20 contract. In its commitment to simplicity and transparency, the contract does not feature any extra functionalities — there are no taxes, blacklists, or holding limits

ERC-20 $SHARES Contract:


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